Virgin blogger here! Can't you tell by how dull the page looks? I will learn as I go, but enough about that.
I'm here to tell you about something that I'm doing for my job. I work for a bank (rhymes with shitty) and I have like an idiot, volunteered for our Junior Achievement Bowl-A-Thon 2011. Booze is allowed at this event, so I'm there. Little did I know that more would come with it than being drunk and throwing a ball down a lane, trying to hit pins but getting the gutter. I was informed that I have to also raise $100 in donations.
My first thought was sell my body, but I don't want to waste any booze money on bail. I also had the idea of having a car wash, but I don't even wash my own car. Got kids for that.
So here is where you come in. Next week a bunch of us will be in the Motherland aka Forks. I'm taking this Junior Achievement envelope with me to try and get donations.
Did I mention there is a raffle going on with this? You give me money, I give you a raffle ticket! One ticket is $10. I think there will be 10 winners and the prizes range from gift cards to a $700 value 2 roundtrip tickets with Allegiant Air.
As for another incentive, whoever is willing to donate to this and help me out, I will give you a pirate patch! Cause you know, pirates rule! If you are willing to help me out and donate, look for the drunk girl in the Elks Lodge wearing the pirate hat!
Can you make sure someone reminds us? I don't mind donating, but after a few beers, may not remember.